22 - 23 April 2024  
Birmingham UK
Founding Group

Founding Group

This event has been designed by a Founding Group of world-renowned experts who are shaping the future of the field

Founding Group

We would like to thank our Founding Group, who have dedicated their expertise to creating the scientific programme for this meeting.

Professor Aylin Hanyaloglu

Prof. Aylin Hanyaloglu has been a Principal Investigator at Imperial College London since 2007. She received her BSc in Human Biology from King’s College London in 1997, and while her PhD commenced at the MRC Human Reproductive Sciences Centre, Edinburgh, a move to Perth, Australia, resulted in her PhD in Molecular Endocrinology being awarded in 2002 with Distinction from the University of Western Australia.

Prof. Hanyaloglu undertook her postdoctoral training at the University of California, San Francisco, with Professor Mark von Zastrow, where she identified novel core cellular machinery critical for G protein-coupled receptor trafficking and signalling.

Professor Davide Calebiro

Davide Calebiro is a Professor of Molecular Endocrinology and Wellcome Trust Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of Metabolism and Systems Research (IMSR) of the University of Birmingham and Co-Director of the Centre of Membrane Proteins and Receptors (COMPARE) of the Universities of Birmingham and Nottingham. He studied Medicine in Milan and Stockholm and obtained a PhD in Molecular Medicine and a Clinical Specialisation in Endocrinology and Metabolic Disease from the University of Milan.

Dr Caroline Gorvin

Dr. Caroline Gorvin is a Wellcome Trust & Royal Society Sir Henry Dale Fellow at the Institute of Metabolism and Systems Research, University of Birmingham. She obtained her PhD in 2012 from the University of Oxford, where her research focussed on the cellular mechanisms by which mutations in a chloride-proton antiporter cause the renal disorder Dent’s disease. Caroline continued to undertake postdoctoral research in Oxford, investigating the signalling and trafficking of the G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR), calcium-sensing receptor, and its role in calcium homeostasis. Caroline moved to the University of Birmingham in 2018 to establish her research group investigating metabolic GPCRs. Her current research focusses on how metabolic GPCRs cross-talk and interact to regulate appetite and bone metabolism.

Dr Alejandra Tomas

Dr. Alejandra Tomas is a molecular cell biologist and Senior Lecturer at the Department of Metabolism, Digestion and Reproduction, Imperial College London. She obtained a PhD in Biochemistry from University College London and spent several years in Switzerland working on the study of membrane trafficking processes in pancreatic beta cells, before returning to the UK, first to her Department at UCL and then to lead a laboratory at Imperial following the receipt of an MRC New Investigator Award in 2015.

Professor Peter McCormick

Professor Peter McCormick is an esteemed pharmacologist, recently appointed as Associate Pro-Vice Chancellor for International Partnerships and Postgraduate Affairs and Chair in Pharmacology at the University of Liverpool. His pioneering work in the field of G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) has significantly advanced our understanding of their role in disease mechanisms. With a career marked by innovative research, including seminal studies published in top-tier journals such as Science and PNAS, Professor McCormick has contributed to the identification of new allosteric sites and molecules for drug discovery. His collaborations with industry giants and contributions to scientific advisory boards underscore his influence in both academic and pharmaceutical sectors.